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Golfing queries: 07 4098 2089
RV Park queries: 0455 216520
What's Happening @ MGC
MGC Program 2024
MGC Juniors Program
Junior Beginner Coaching sessions: Term 2 & 3 every Wednesday afternoon 4.30-5.30pm
Wednesday Junior Competition Term 2 until mid-way through Term 4, 3.30-6pm including weekly prizegiving and sausage sizzle.
Junior Coaching Clinics held throughout the year subject to PGA accredited coach availability.
Around the Course
The Queensland Government provided $129,212 to Mossman Golf Club to install concrete cart paths to enable Queenslanders to participate in sport and recreation activities. The grant was specifically aimed at allowing us to keep the composite course open more often and minimise the damage to fairways, around tees and greens during the wet season.

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